Friday, January 22, 2010

I Hate Change

I hate Change! I like to have a routine, but this month has been a month of change for me and I hope for the better.
I have had the same phone number for over 16 years with AT&T but I have been fighting with them to remove long distance from my service since June. I call they credit me for the charges but instead of removing the service they just credit my account so last month I finally gave them the ultimatum either remove the service or I change phone carries. The next day I received a flier from Bright House for a special bundle offer, talk about an Omen.
Well I set up to have my service change just in case I was charged again for long distance.
So on the 20th I looked at my bill and yep there it was a charge for long distance and credits for last month, needless to say I called and told the operator I wanted to remove my service and why. I also told her to look and see that I not only had not have any late payments but that I always paid a few dollars extra.
My next change is taking a little longer as I have transition from one e-mail address which I've had for over 10 years to another because it has been hacked twice by spammers. The first time I just set up another e-mail account for my friends and family and kept this one for all my news letters and contests. Well I am now giving up this. I blame the new Facebook privacy or lack of changes for these hackings.
The worst change I'm going through is the "change of life" one minute I freezing the next I'm sweating, and the weather this year has been crazy making my migraines worse so I've been feeling terrible, but muddling through.
I just hope the rest of the year is calmer and if there are changes they are one at a time.


  1. Change is always hard..but so worth it in the long run. Hope you can make it through all your changes.
    Have you thought about taking primrose for "your changing body"? My MIL takes that and she says that it has more than cut the flashes in half. She takes it once a day.

  2. I never thought of that I'll have to try it thanks
