Thursday, December 31, 2009

Looking Back

2009 was somewhat of a good year for me.
 I found many new friends via Facebook playing Mafia Wars and connected with old ones that my best friend Frances was keeping me informed about.
 I got to go to a wedding and and see pictures of friends babies soon after they were born instead of having to wait for someone to e-mail me some. 
 Ken and I reconciled and are learning to live with each other flaws and all(mostly his)..HA HA
 I "met" an Aunt and an Uncle and his wife this summer. I learned this week that my oldest niece had another baby, a boy, and I remembered that I used to call her My Monkey.
 I have been "de-hoarding" my house. I can't believe the stuff  I had packed away. I am talking large rubbermaid tubs full plus suitcases and boxes.
 Ken and I discovered Mafia Wars(thanks Eric Streeter) on Facebook and that kind of helped our marriage some because it gave us a common interest.
 I enjoy going on facebook and making funny little comments or observations.
 Ken had eye surgery this month on his right eye and can now see some out of it  for the first time in 27 years.
 But the worst part of 2009 was I "met" my brother Michael. The man was locked up in a mental hospital after being declared unfit to stand trial due to a mental defect. He is an evil conniving person who believes that my Gramp should take care of him. The man is 44 years old and looks almost 60. If you ever see a picture of a young Charles Manson that's what he looks like, pure evil!
 But the best thing about 2009 was that I found my (step)Son Raymond and his wonderful fiancee' Brooke through Facebook and I have been having some much fun reading and commenting on their posts.
 Well here's too 2010 may it bring us new adventures, hopes, dreams, up and even some downs, because without the downs how can we really appreciate the good things that we have.
 HAPPY NEW YEAR Dear Readers


Friday, December 18, 2009

Old Pictures Say a Lot

After my stroke I looked at a lot of family pictures hoping I would remember someone, but the more I looked at them the more I wondered "who do I look like?".
I had two brothers Paul who was murdered years ago and was a year younger than me, looked like our maternal Swedish Grandmother and Michael almost two and a half years younger, has the same evil look of our father and that evil look fits him  as he is pure evil, and should he drop dead tomorrow I would shed tears not of sorrow but of joy.
Then there is me the oldest as I looked at the pictures I felt as if I didn't belong, that I didn't look like anyone in my family which to me was very odd, three children by the same parents and you would not think we were even related, yet Ken had one daughter and two sons by three different women and you can tell they are related
Well the other day my cousin sent my Gramp some pictures of my Mother when she was young and that's when I felt I belonged.
There was one picture of her when she was about 12-14 and it could have been me. I nearly cried with joy because I finally felt as if I belonged somewhere.
There were also pictures of my Gram when she was I guess about 23 or so and I couldn't get over how beautiful she was and I mean along the lines of  Lana Turner or Betty Grable beautiful. It makes me wonder how my Gramp got her because of all the old pictures I see of him they weren't that flattering if you get my meaning. Talk about Beauty and Beast...haha.
Just a side note whenever I talk about Gramp and Gram I am referring to my Mothers parents as they were the ones who raised us after my Mother died when I was eight, again because my Father was pure evil.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Not Much Fussing Over Christmas

 I guess with just me Gramp and Ken Christmas is just another day around here.
We don't decorate maybe a few dodads here and there but I can't get to things and Ken has other things to worry about getting done and decorating is not one of them.
 I know I must have decorated before the stroke because we had at least 20 large tubs of Christmas things which much to everyone who knows me surprise is now down to about 4, and that's including my Hallmark ornaments.
 I got my Christmas shopping done at Hallmark and Kmart and  it took me less than an hour,  much to the amazement of my son Kevin who remembers my pre-stroke shopping trips which would take at times up to 8 hours. I now HATE shopping in stores. I like to browse online but rarely buy because I can't justify paying shipping charges on things I don't absolutely need.
 This year I seem less festive than the last two I just don't really care if it comes and goes. The last two I was so excited waiting for the Christmas shows to come on and listening to Christmas music. Maybe because they were kind of like my "first" Christmases.
 However I enjoyed seeing the Christmas pictures of my friend Joy's little ones and nephew. They did add a bright spot to my life.
 Maybe it's empty nest syndrome or maybe it's seeing my friends either having babies or becoming Grandparents over this past year that's making me a little sad knowing I have to wait to to be a Grandma. :(
 Whatever the case maybe this year I'm just not feeling very jolly even with my Santa hat on.
 I do want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year though.